Sme technologicky popredným svetovým výrobcom vysokopevnostných spojovacích prvkov v mobilnom priemysle. Stanovujeme štandardy v oblasti inovácií, kvality a ziskovosti. Najmä v automobilovom priemysle, našom hlavnom odbore od založenia spoločnosti v roku 1935, vyvíjame individuálne riešenia pre špeciálne požiadavky budúcnosti v spoľahlivých a dlhodobých partnerstvách s našimi zákazníkmi. V súlade s našou novou firemnou stratégiou tiež čoraz viac ponúkame pridanú hodnotu novým zákazníkom na nových trhoch s našimi odbornými znalosťami v oblasti tvárniacej technológie. V najdôležitejších ekonomických regiónoch sveta, v Amerike, Ázii a Európe, sme úspešní ako nezávislý rodinný podnik s 4 000 zamestnancami na osemnásť miestach a naďalej udržateľne rastieme.
Chcete s radosťou nadchnúť zákazníkov? Staňte sa súčasťou nášho angažovaného tímu.
Uchádzať sa o prácu terazVaše úlohy
A promising professional future that you can help shape, with your ideas and commitment to first-class results. Our range of tasks offer diverse topics, a high degree of personal responsibility and a great deal of creative freedom. At KAMAX, you will find clearly defined processes and efficient decision making structures. We plan long-term – not only in terms of locations and machinery. Therefore, we invest in your individual development and enable personal flexibility.
- Focus on your field of specialization: Industrial or Mechanical Engineering, Finance and Controlling, Supply Chain Management, Sales and Application Engineering
- Assignments four to five months each, including at least one international assignment
- International project work and integral part of local teams during assignments
- International trainee group with responsibility for specially designated projects and regular off-the-job trainings
- Building a wide personal network within our company
- Advancing your professional, social and methodic competence by working in different teams and locations
- Program starts on July 1, 2024 and lasts for 18 months
- Unlimited contract right from the start and exciting opportunities to further advance your career at KAMAX after completing the program
Váš profil
- Excellent academic track record in your field of studies and recent graduation with a university degree at program start
- At least 3 months of relevant work experience (e.g. internship)
- At least 3 months abroad (e.g. studies or internships)
- Open minded, strong desire and the flexibility to work internationally
- Ability to think and act in complex structures
- Strong can-do spirit and a high sense of responsibility
- Inspiring team player with outstanding communication skills
- English fluency, knowledge of further languages is welcome

Heather Dinverno
Sr. Human Resources Manager
Telefón : +1 248 813 1836E-mailová adresa : kamaxjobs@kamax.com
1606 Star Batt Drive
Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309