Strategic Elements

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Das vollständige Strategiehaus:

The 'House of Strategy' is KAMAX's strategic planning. It is based on logic, focused on the problems at hand and concentrates on the long-term future.

Read below how the 'House of Strategy' is structured.

Die Strategie kann man sich am besten als ein Haus mit mehreren Ebenen vorstellen.

The 'Strategic Pillars' have become the foundation of the company. This refers to the source of competitive advantage and the differentiation of KAMAX as a company. The pillars are part of the heritage and DNA of the KAMAX company. The strategic pillars are core concepts designed to shape the company and underpin the vision. They are all essential to ensure the success of the vision.

Building on the 'Strategic Pillars' come the levels of 'Strategic Choices' and those of 'BUSINESS AREAS'.

'Strategic Choices' describe the decisions made to prepare KAMAX for future success. They include a commitment to what KAMAX will and will not work on, and are divided into decisions that are within and outside of the core KAMAX industry.

'Business Areas' determine market access - where to produce and how to distribute?

The center of the house describes the activities with which we want to achieve our goal "Back to the Top". It is the strategy implementation.

On the one hand, there is the level of 'Enablers' and the level of 'Strategic Initiatives'.

'Enablers' are projects that help the organization to fulfill the strategy. One such project is the introduction of the new S/4 HANA operating system. 'Strategic Initiatives' define key or core actions to bring KAMAX "Back to the Top". The largest of these projects is Product Plant Allocation. 

With the roof ready, the house is complete: the 'Vision' (our future picture for the business) and the 'Mission' (our understanding of the mission to be fulfilled).

KAMAX wants to achieve 'Back to the Top' ('Vision') and fulfill 'FOUNDED FORMED FOCUSED' ('Mission') in the future.

In this video the layers of the House of Strategy are explained

Weiterentwicklung und Ausblick in die Zukunft

The transformation is in full progress. Everywhere we are working to ensure that KAMAX will still be around in the future. We want BACK TO THE TOP, take a look at the 'Strategic Landscape'. It is a graphical illustration of our starting point and our goal. Together we will achieve our change.

Strategic Landscape - Starting Point 2019

Main changes starting point 2019 to target 2025:

 - Product portfolio
 - Plant allocation
 - Culture
 - Success
 - Digitalization

Strategic Landscape - Target Picture 2025

Transformation of the KAMAX world

Transition of the KAMAX strategy landscape from 2019 to 2025

The 'Core Strategy Team' was established to boost the strategy.

Based on an invitation from the Corporate Strategy & M&A department to further boost strategy in the company by providing voluntary support, the 'Core Strategy Team, CST' is currently made up of the heads of the regions and selected global heads of functions. With a newly developed program structure, the team members will support different areas of the strategy.

The basis for the CST's work is the 'Strategic Directions' to achieve linkage between the different topics - see 'Strategic Directions'. 

The 'Core Strategy Team' is supported by the 'Extended Strategy Team'. This is an extended group of people who are consulted for support on a topic-related basis.

Members of the 'Core Strategy Teams' are:

  • Chrisoula Angelidou, People & Culture
  • Daniela Schlick, Corporate Strategy & M&A
  • Dr. Stefan Wallmeier, Business Innovation Center (BIC)
  • Mats Ceder, Business Area AMERICAS
  • Dongliang Jiang, Business Area ASIA
  • Dr. Reinhard Rupprecht, Business Area EUROPE
  • Stefan Schuldt, Strategic Controlling

To achieve a stronger interlinking of the topics, the 'Strategic Directions' were defined. The 'Strategic Directions' serve as a guide for day-to-day work and establish the relationship between the corporate goal ('Back to the Top', 2025) and the operational tasks.

At KAMAX, there are four 'Strategic Directions': Innovation, Sales, Efficiency and People. Measures that are assigned to the strategy and thus to the goal of 'Back to the Top' must fit into one of these 'Strategic Directions'.

For each of these 'Strategic Directions', guiding principles have been defined, which we present below:
Innovation - 
Understanding and managing our markets and customers will drive our business and innovations.
Sales - 
Hunting for business opportunities and lead market share.
Efficiency - 
Speed up and simplify our processes to reduce lead times.
People - 
Driven by high performance teams with engaged and excellent people.

Based on the 'Strategic Directions', a new 'Program Structure' was established. The 'Core Strategy Team' is part of this new management structure. The Corporate Strategy & M&A department (Daniela Schlick) is responsible for project management. Based on the 'Strategic Directions' there are the modules Efficiency, Growth (here innovation and sales interests are combined) and People. A module supporter has been assigned to each module. And with the new 'Program Structure' the coordination with the regions is fostered. see 'Program Structure'. 

The 'Program Structure' regulates responsibilities and serves as a control function.

The Corporate Strategy & M&A department (Daniela Schlick) is responsible for project management. Based on the 'Strategic Directions', there are the modules Efficiency, Growth (here the interests of Innovation and Sales are combined) and People. Each module is supported by a so-called 'Module Supporter'. These are responsible persons from the specialist area. The new 'Program Structure' promotes coordination with the 'Business Areas'. 

Module Supporters' are responsible for

GROWTH (Growth), consisting of Innovation - Stefan Wallmeier and Sales - N.N.
PEOPLE (People) - Chrisoula Angelidou

Business Area EUROPE - Dr. Reinhard Rupprecht
Business Area AMERICAS - Mats Ceder
Business Area ASIA - Dongliang Jiang

The 'Strategic Review' was introduced by the Corporate Strategy & M&A department. The aim is an annual comparison of the KAMAX strategy.

This is a meeting of the Group Executive Board (GEB), the 'Core Strategy Team' and other responsible persons from e.g. Quality, Supply Chain, Legal, etc. The aim is to ensure the continuous updating of the corporate strategy 'Back to the Top'. The Strategic Review takes place annually

'Roadmap' is under construction.

'Regional / Functional Strategies' is under construction.

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