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Global Management Team (GMT) Meeting

After more than two years, the time had finally come again. The long-awaited meeting of the Global Management Team could take place in Cologne in November with the greatest possible security precautions in view of COVID. For this meeting, the theatre analogy was followed and the play 'KAMAX FORMS FUTURE' was staged in three acts.

From the 'organism' (culture) to the 'compass' (strategy) to the 'heartbeat' (production), topics on culture, the updated strategy and the future challenges of production were linked and discussed. All participants took on the role of directors and were able to write down the most important insights in their personal stagebook‘s. The location, the format and the content to be developed were very well received by the participants. What a success!

One of the most important objectives was to ensure that the content would permeate the entire KAMAX organisation. In the coming weeks, you will receive further information on this from your managers as well as via the strategy website. Please visit it regularly or contact the Corporate Strategy & Development department directly.

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